Light Magazine
Light on a New World is a magazine highlighting Bible teaching about the Gospel message. Additionally there are a number of special issues which are free of charge on request or by download from
After more than fifty years of publication, the Light Magazine ceased to be published in its traditional format.
The intention is that the website will be maintained, God willing, so that an archive of all past issues will continue to be available in .pdf format.
Whilst stocks last, the special editions detailed below will continue to be available from the Dawn Publications office in Nottingham.
New light bulletin
Following in the footsteps of "Light on a New World" a new on-line bulletin has been created.
"Each edition of the Bulletin(God willing) will include an article aimed at people new to God's Word - although hopefully of interest to All, plus something for the more experienced Bible reader. Additionally, we will feature one of several web resources out there, which we hope will provide further reading - or viewing/listening!"
To sign up for the new Bulletin please visit:
or to view the first edition follow this link:
Light Magazine special editions available from Dawn Christadelphian Publications
1 - Who are the Christadelphians?
This issue informs the reader who the Christadelphians are and what the name means. It details what we believe the Bible message is, and what hope it gives us in this chaotic world. It also outlines what the Bible says about the way of life, prescribed by God in the Bible.
This issue examines Bible authenticity, what the Bible is, how it was written and how the original texts became available in English. It shows how archaeological discoveries in the Middle East support the Bible narrative. Included is guidance on how to read the Bible for yourself and the relevance of its message for today.
deals with what Bible prophecy is and who the prophets were. It examines specific prophecies, some of which have been fulfilled and some remain unfulfilled. These relate to empires in the past including Persia, Greece and Rome. The divinely appointed coming world conflict is also examined in brief and what this will mean to individuals personally.
looks at Bible teaching about Jesus Christ. It includes topics such as his role in God’s plan, Old Testament prophecies about his first advent, his life and ministry, death and resurrection. His imminent return to the earth is also examined, plus much more.
examines the Bible’s consistent message across Old and New Testaments. It includes an outline of what the Gospel is and how it can vitally affect the lives of individuals.
Creation is a key Bible topic. Belief in this essential aspect of Bible teaching is the subject of the first article, followed by God’s role in creation. This is followed by a short examination of the erroneous theory of evolution. It concludes with an explanation of how man is made in God’s image and God’s purpose in Creation.
reviews how the Jewish nation came into being, how they became the focus of God’s plan for mankind and their miraculous survival as a distinct people. It looks at their re-establishment in the land of Israel as a nation and what the Bible says the future holds for them.
8 - The last great chapter of the human story
deals with God’s plan for the world as the central theme of the Bible narrative. It covers the culmination of that plan in the future Kingdom of God on earth, how we will be affected by it, and how we can be part of it.